Well super congratualtions to one Ms. Kelly Johnson on her engagement! One less fish in the sea only improves my odds right? This week is going by slowly for me. Not too much to complain about, only that I wish it were thursday instead of tuesday. I find that when bored, I don't behave constructively unless I really try. While I could be reading or researching or working out or cleaning, I prefer to pace around and do nothing. Don't ask me why. There is no good reason. To be fair to myself, I have been going to the gym with some regularity of late. I did not make a resolution to do so (or any resolutions for that matter) but I have been going and finding it to be enjoyable. I would wager that I would go even more if I had a partner to go with me. I'll bet I could get in shape if I went more... and ate better. Then again, I always was a betting man. I found out that my phone can take ~better pictures. then I can edit them....
I've left my response on the housexor blog...
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