Wednesday, January 05, 2005

That's what you get.

Well, so much for the "new way". You know? you try something one way... it fails... you try it again (perhaps the first time was a fluke) it fails. So you learn. You analyze which parts of your approach weren't good. You change... you fail. That is what you get when you try to apply the scientific method to girls, and I will tell you why. Girls are nothing like nature. Part of physics and science and all we assume about nature is the assumption that if i perform an experiment "here", and perform the same experiement "there", the outcome will be the same. Women are non-linear systems at best. Which means this... They are chaotic, random, and some of them are pretty. Well im just sucking on sour grapes now. Boo hoo. Poor charlie. Time for plan D.


Blogger Jimmy Reed said...

Is plan D prostitutes?

4:20 AM  

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