So I thought the appointment was at 11:00, but it is actually at 1:00. HILARIOUS. I'm not really a dentist-o-phobe or anything, but I don't have dental insurace, I haven't been to the dentist in... lets just say too long, and Im pretty sure that an old filling partially fell out. When I walk into the dentists office, giant Dollar signs will apear in his eyes as a loud cash register noise wil become audible.
So I gave it some thought and I decided to Change the name of my blog from "the Irony is Killing me" to "Dark Matter" The whole Irony thing was that I thought it was ironic that I even had a blog, thinking they were so dumb, back when my posts were " Blogging is dumb". Blogging isn't any smarter, but its entertaining to me. Dark Matter seemed to fulfill an obligatory nerd quota. I am a quasi dark individual, or at least have dark tastes... Dark Matter is a phenonmenon discovered by astrophysicist and makes up a substantial portion of our known universe... a much higher percent than ordinary matter. So I'll give it a shot. Now if only I could rename the url...
Charlie, if you go under Change Settings, and then click the Publishing tab, you will see where you can actually change your URL.
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