Friday, June 27, 2008

10 things you didn't know about birds, reveals one thing you might have guessed.

This article reports that "..much of bird classification and conventional wisdom on the evolutionary relationships of birds is wrong."

This study:
(A) presumes T.C.A. (The Theory of Common Ancestry-- Usually thrown around under the name 'evolution') is true- with its foundations firmly on observations interpreted through a Darwinian lens, and
(B) concludes that the previous observations are wrong.

Is that not begging the question?

In other words,
(1) birds were categorized and grouped based on certain physical features and assumptions about TCA;

(2) The groupings of (1) are PREDICTIONS about how the birds evolved.

(3)This study finds that based on genetic analysis, many of the groupings of (1), and thus the predictions of (2) are wrong.

(4) thus, reasons for assuming that TCA is true were wrong.

Other fun quotes from the article:

"8. Owls, parrots and doves have few, if any, living intermediate forms linking them to other well-defined groups of birds, making it difficult to determine their evolutionary relationships." (emphasis added)

"10. Birds have had a complex evolutionary history after an early and rapid explosion of species that occurred sometime between 65 million and 100 million years ago." (emphasis added)

I could make some predictions of my own based on this article.


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