Monday, May 12, 2008

A new name for Global Warming.

Hi everybody. Its me. I'm back. It's been a while.
Now down to business. It has come to my attention that the term "Global Warming" has fallen out of fashion with the media and its other nurses. The less spesific term "Climate Change" is now en vogue. This is probably (and I mean this sarcastically) my favorite part of science. Start with a hypothesis, and when the data fails to back your hypothesis, change your hypothesis to something so vague that it can't possibly be wrong. For years it was Global Cooling; then Global Warming; then the more specific (surprise surprise) Man-made Global warming; and then the ultra un-specific "Climate Change"; and lets not forget the panic inducing 'Climate Crisis'. We all know what climate change is. Most people in the world experience it about 4 times a year. They're called "seasons". Why go to 'climate change'? Because Climate Change can describe any 'extreme' weather conditions including 'un-seasonable' cold. Using extreme weather to predict the end of the world goes back to at least biblical times (and probably further). I have a better suggestion if they are looking for a new name. Why don't we call it 'Intelligent Warming'.


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