Friday, April 11, 2008

Well I feel better.
Apparently, IF tiny nanoscopic black holes are created at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) These black holes would pose no real threat to humanity and earth as we know it. According to the article found here, they would probably evaporate away if stephen hawking is right, but even if he is wrong, most of them would be shot into space and get out of the earth's gravitational field, but EVEN if they didn't, they would only "gobble up" one proton every 100 hours. So it would take a few universe lifetimes to destroy the planet. Unless a whole bunch of them get stuck in orbit around earth... then we're toast. But think of it this way, if a semi massive black hole exists just in earths orbit, maybe we'll weigh less.


Blogger Chuck Wade said...

Well, whatever gets my BMI down is a good thing I suppose.

6:42 PM  

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