Saturday, June 11, 2005

Im dumb.

Subtle title. So as you may have read, I recently ran out of gas when I went to harrisonburg. Well today I ran my car out of gas again. This time while at home. I moved it into my yardish area so that I might wash it slightly with the hose, and did not have enough gas to move it back to the parking spot. No problem though. I have my scooter. That will get me from point A to point B. Unfortunatly, point B turns out to be half way up a hill... where my scooter runs out of gas. At least I got half way up the hill. I was on my way to a swing dance that turned out to be kinda lame. Too few people there. anyway, walked my bike for about a half mile to the station, and then later ran back to the station with my handy gas can. So my gas issues are resolved for now. Im just havin that kind of week. Let hope for new trends.


Blogger Jimmy Reed said...

Hang in there, Khax0r!

3:57 PM  

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