Monday, June 06, 2005

My Weekend.

By Charles Arnold.

Well, I will actually write all about this weekend, but I will show you my weekend in pictures first.

I'll write all about tonight probably.
So here is the story. Friday I left work a little earlier in an attempt to beat the traffic, and made my way up to harrisionburg. I got there a little earlier than expected, so i met up with karen and kevin and heard a muslim woman from india talk about what is going on in india. It was quite facinating. She had surprisingly post-modern veiws of truth.
After all of that kevin karen and I went to Dave's Taverna. I had to ride with karen because my car had run out of gas upon reaching the meeting mentioned above. After Dave's, kevin took me back to my car. We thought that we'd be able to find a gas can, but alas, we could not. Rather, we didn't try to hard because option "b" was so appealing. Option "b" was for kevin to push my car with his car for about a mile down the road which was amazingly successful. It is too bad that I didn't take any pictures of karen or kevin save the picture of a kitten that karen is holding. It was a good night.
Though I had gone to bed late, I got up at about 8am and started my day. Ashley made pancakes and eggs. I began spreading my plan to go to reddish knob. I had never been there before, and I was told that it was a beautiful place to go. Fortunatly, Carbomb, and Jimmy showed up by noon so we all decided to get some lunch and then go to reddish knob. I took many pictures of the scenery which was quite beautiful, although did not display many in the collection above. I did show lots of pictures of us all up there hanging out. Anyway, it turned out to be a great time.
After all that, we got food in preparation for a grill out. Before the grill out I spent some time playing frisbee with olivia. She picked up on it quite quickly. The grilled bits were smoked sausage and burgers. We also had quite a selection of beer, as well as some wines as it was a celebration and all. After eating we played Donkey Konga which may be the most fun game ever. Your controler is a drum with two heads. You must hit the drums when the game tells you to. Simple yet awesome. After that we watched the pocket change DVD which got rave reviews. Then carbomb jimmy and I stayed up talking till 2 or so. We enjoyed some clove cigarettes over the course of the eveneing, and No, I didn't smoke 4 at once. Just pictures for fun. Finally, tuckered out, we went to a hotel for the night so that we might sleep in a bed, and give grov and ash some privacy.
In the morning, we got a few more pictures, and then I hit the road at about 11. Within 5 minutes, I was pulled over as pictured. The cop noticed that my plates had an expired sticker. He let me go once he verified that I was all good but just missing a sticker. About 30 minutes later, I discovered that the vibrating that had been plauging my car for the trip was due to a tire that was about to go bad which did in fact go bad as pictured. After a half hour of stuggling with terrible tools, I was fortunate to have another cop stop and lend me a good tire iron. Another half hour later I got my spare on, and made my way to Charlottesville to get a new tire. Thankfully there was a place that was open on Sunday that squezzed me in. So, about 2-2:30 I got back on the road 3 hours behind, with no way to make it to my Peru team meeting. Well, anyway I did make it back home with a little sunburn on my arm, and a bunch of great pictures and memories. The moral of the story is to do fun things with your friends.


Blogger Incredibly Fat Man said...

awww...did you really get pulled over AND get flat? Did you get a ticket for having a flat tire? Did the cop shoot your tires out in a high speed chase? I must know!

4:26 PM  
Blogger Jimmy Reed said...

Better yet, did the SECOND cop pull you over for your expired tags after fixing your tire? "Hey, wait a minute...COME BACK HERE!?!?"

I love you guys very much and had the best time ever this weekend.

6:41 AM  

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