Thursday, May 26, 2005

Swollen Knee... and On a more serious note...

That is my Indian name. It is also the condition of my left knee. The knee formerly known to have a torn meniscus. This troubles me a little. It seems to have come on out of the blue. Although it might be a remnant of monday's ultimate frisbee game. Time will tell.
On with the sales pitch. I know that there are about 10 people who have ever come back to this site. I know that Out of the 10 of you probably 9 of you have already gotten this memo more than once. But this is for the random one-timers and that other one guy. Anywho, as you may or may not know, I am going to Lima Peru this summer to help put on a Vacation Bible School for about 250 peruvian kids, and to help start building a building for the kids to come to be able to do their homework and stuff. This is part of an annual effort put on by my church . Last year the focus was medical missions. Next year the focus will likely be medical in nature. This year the focus is Love (and construction). We are going mainly to minister (as in attend to the needs of) to peruvians as we are able to do so, and I know that the peruvians will minister to us. What needs do I have that the peruvians will meet? I expect that I will be made aware of many things, but I won't speculate just yet. Now, I want to be clear. The group I am going with is a group of Christians, and we do indeed plan on telling these people about Jesus in the best spanish we know how. But our team's desire is to show them what Christ's love looks like in our interactions with them and with each other. We desire to support the local church leadership and the long term missionaries working there because we know that they are the ones who can build lasting relationships and spritually feed the people of peru.
I have never been on a short term mission trip like this. I kinda feel like I have been running from them for a while. I hope in this opportunity that God will show me how I can best support missions work. I am looking for people who can offer finacial and prayer support. If you can offer one or the other or both, then that is great, but I would like to say one thing. I would like to find a few(well, as many as are willing) people who will very seriously support me in prayer. People who will pray for me and my team and the people of peru daily. People who will commit to praying for the people of peru as if it were their own family. I only ask this because I know that I personaly have offered to pray for people and to my shame, I did not. Now that is not always the case, but sometimes I would just forget or whatever. So anway, that is my pitch. If you are interested in supporting me, then feel free to download this letter and it will tell you how to contact me. Regardless of what the letter says, I will accept support at anytime up until the trip date which starts July 23. Idealy I could have most of my support (at least in pledge form) by June 15. Thanks for reading this far if you have.


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