Today, after an agressive workout session, I showered and went to the student union to enjoy some yogurt or something. After purchasing my yogurt, I wandered to the pit with the yogurt and my camera and sat down. It was a nice day and I was checking out some of the features on my camera. All of a sudden, I noticed that a young lady was slowly scooting her way toward me. I, of course, was flattered, and so I said "hello" and commented on her choice of popsicle. She mostly smiled while inching ever closer... that was until her sister noticed her. Her sister who was sitting on the other side of the pit with some other family members alerted the girls mother of her wanderings. The mother called to the girl; a strange name which i do not remember. The obviously older sister came over to rectify the situation herself. By this time the young lady had inched so close that she had no other option but to move to the other side of me if she was to keep inching. She sat down to my right and stopped and smiled. The older sister made her way over to us, and mildly rebuked her sister for wandering. She then proceeded to sit to my left and smile and tell her sister that she should stay over there to my right. I said "hello" to the sister. The sister then sheepishly reminded her sister that I was "a stranger" and that I " would take them both away." I froze, trying to reconcile wanting to assure the young ladies that I would not take them away, while reenforcing the old maxim: don't talk to strangers. I managed to mutter somthing like "I wouldn't do that, but its a pretty good rule..." or something like that. The youngest one rose and walked back to her mother repeating " its a good rule..." The mother apologized in case the girls had bothered me. I said that they did not. Ahh kids.
The strangest thing is that this kind of thing happens to me often. As long as the child is not related to me, young kids just seem to like me. Maybe kids see something that adults don't, or I smell like candy... who knows? Now if i could just determine this irresistable quality and then translate it for women my age...
The little girl who inched at me
The little girl's sister
Charlie, you're the most charming guy I know. Seriously.
Dude, her sister is hot.
And actually you do smell a little like candy.
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