Theres no such thing....
Today I going with prospective students to get myself a free lunch. I wanted to draw everyone's attention to the device below.
You can't tell because I zoomed in to get the name of the machine but this is a handblower like you find in some bathrooms. Now, typically, I think most people see the handblower machine as a device which suggests that you just go ahead and wipe your hands on your pants. Not this guy. Im prettysure that Tim Allen (home improvement etc) had this thing designed. Not only did this thing dry my hands with great speed and ease, but the mens' bathroom at lowes slowly began to lift off of the ground. This things was cool. I hope to see more like it installed in bathrooms everywhere. It makes cleaning your hands worthwile.
Sounds too kool... I want one... Which Lowe's was this at?
This was a lowes just outside Chapel Hill off of 15-501. I'd bet that lowes might be adopting them everywhere. It was pretty X-treem. Thats right. You saw how i spelled it.
YES! There is one of these at a convenient store near my home. I've had a ton of fun with it but no one believes me when I describe it to them. I'm glad others have shared and are sharing in the joy.
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