Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Albinos wish to trade "villainous" image for that of "whiny b*tch"

Favorite Quote: "The problem is there has been no balance. There are no realistic, sympathetic or heroic characters with albinism that you can find in movies or popular culture." Anyone ever see powder? I did, and I will never get those 117 minutes of my life back. Also, who the heck cares? Too many villains are bald, fat, OCD, whatever. Give me a break. By the way if you are an albino, we can't be friends anymore because movies have just given me a bad impression of you.


Blogger Chuck Wade said...

Yeah Powder sucked. And honestly I think that we should call the ACLU, I mean if we don't start standing up for the albinos then who will?

3:00 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

The invisible man was an albino. That guy was a freaking psycho! Case and point, set, match.

10:40 AM  

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