New CD...leads me to an interesting revelation
So yesterday I saw that Relient K has released a new CD and today I bought it. Apathetic EP is its name and it is good. It has acoutis versions of some songs from Mmmhm and some new songs.
The interesting revaltion was not from listening to the music, but rather from the actual purchase of it. Right now I am feeling a slight amount of financial pressure due mostly to purchasing many one-time items that happened to come all at once, and so I questioned whether or not I should buy this CD for myself. I mean, it would be there later, and christmas is coming up and I could let someone know that i wanted it and therefore help out someone who wanted to get me a gift, but didn't know what to get. I purchased it anyway. Payday is soon. I can afford it. And I can. But the gifts thing stuck in my mind. My philosophy on gift-giving has altered slightly over the years. I used to feel strongly that if I were to get a gift for someone it should most importanly be something that is useful and something that they want. Nothing wrong with that, but more recently I have thought that maybe the best gifts are things that a person might really want, but would never get for themselves. This includes but is not limited to 'useful' gifts. But to do this well, you have to know a person pretty well. So then, maybe you should only get gifts for those you know pretty well.
At any rate, I felt like I bought the CD because I was unwilling to wait for it, and also because I like being self-sufficient. I like that I can waltz into a store and buy the item that I want without having to think too hard about whether or not I should get it. I don't like the idea of telling someone that I might want a certain CD or anything. If I don't have a christmas list than I can't be diappointed right? I don't really know. It really felt kinda wrong to buy the CD. Like I was missing the point of some lesson that God is trying to teach to me. And I must confess that I must have not learned it yet because all I had was all these wierd thoughts.
make sense? (i didn't think so.)
in reading your post I am reminded of a box of Trix:)
I had an experience like that once. It was about buying a jacket. I felt that I was wrong to buy it for some reason. Like maybe God trying to prevent me from buying it for vanity or financial responcibility reasons. Anyways I bought it and then it was stolen a week later. Perhaps you should give your CD away to someone who wants it as a gift before it gets stolen. Have I ever told you how much I like Relient K?...
Good point. Now who could i give it too? Chuck maybe? no.. he doesn't like Relient K. I don't think so anyway. Hmm... i just don't know anyone who likes them. I guess I'll just throw it away... Also I'll throw away $100.
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