Monday, August 22, 2005

on the MARCH! (im so clever)

This one gets a 6 on the Charlie-Scale (5 to 17). Its pretty lame. And Im fairly certain that those clothes will not be pressed like the owner wants. I'm willing to wager that they will have to be washed again. What this picture needs is like a sunken pirate ship, or some indication that the ironer is at a depth that would kill a normal man. Or and indiation that the air tank is almost empty, or a guy without a wetsuit in obviously freezing water. Any of these suggestions are at LEAST 10 times or more extreem than this photo. Poor form. This is just EXTREEM(ly lame).


Blogger Jimmy Reed said...

Charlie, I agree. I'd like to see a pressure meter or a "you must be this deep to DIE!" sign in the coral.

Wait a minute, though...maybe he isn't underwater at all, but in space! It still sucks. 5.

8:04 PM  

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