Friday, July 07, 2006

Please... [UPDATED]

Pray, if you pray, for my friend Matt Cress. He nearly died yesterday from swallowing a bunch of chemicals. Matt suffers from depression and chronic pain. He used to be my roommate and often talked about suicidal thoughts. I haven't seen him in a while, and I have heard this story second hand, so I don't know all the details, but I know that he and his family are in a lot of pain right now, and they could use some support.

Matt was declared brain dead around noon yesterday. He was taken off of life support several hours later. I saw him at about 2pm. What lay there on the bed seemed to be Matt, but was just the shell for his conciousness. My breath seemed to leave me as the resperators moved his lungs. Its still not clear why matt did this, at least to me. It seems more clear that he had planned this for a little while, and that nothing along the way swayed him. His mother and father were both very strong throughout, comforting friends and family members. God seems to give more grace to those who need it. Continue to pray for matt's community. This will hurt for a while.


Blogger Rockel said...


12:46 AM  

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