busy! plus Bulls are running.
Well well well. Its bull running time again, and what better way to celebrate it than to have my good friend Andrew come down for a visit. This weekend is shaping up to be a good one.
I just had two tires replaced on my car. I like to think of it as a preemptive "war on tires". You see, about a year ago this time, I had a tire blow out on my way to the beach to see my good friend Karen. Then a few months back, I had a tire blow out on my way home from seening my bff roomates in H'burg. Due to the fact that I could see the wire mesh on my tires, and the fact that intelligence reports said that my car tires had WMD's... I could not wait any longer. I really believe that if I had waited one more day, I would have had to put the spare on. I have some photos, but I can't upload them right now. I met an interesting guy who gave my his Soul/R&B CD just becasue he passed me on the street. I have a picture of him too. I'll post those later.
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