Thursday, October 28, 2004

Vote or p-diddy will kill you.

Right now i am "supposed" to be working on a test, but all I want to do is check the polls. I, like many other Americans, am comsumed by it all. The latest shocker: Hawaii. Its changed to a toss up which means, since they are 6 hrs later than us, that we could have no idea who is president until next morning. Truth be told, Im guessing that whoever loses will hotly contest their loss.
Well I voted already. I submitted an early absentee balot. What they don't tell you when you do this is that if the winner of your state wins by more than the nuber of absentee balots, your vote is not counted. Now that is not something that i bet we will have to worry about this year, but it makes one wonder about the validity of the national "popular vote". Imagine 10,000 absentee balots not counted in a state won by 10,002 votes. If by chance all the absentee ballots are for the looser, the winner won the state not by 10k but by 2 votes. Last year New Mexico was won by a few hundred votes.
I cast my vote. The important thing to me, is that the will of the people is realized. I guess that means that I hope there is equal but opposite voter fraud. (because you know its out there).


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