Wednesday, March 21, 2007

An actual post.

I saw this article on LiveScience titled "Science of Homosexuality Takes a Backseat to Blind Faith" and it provoked the response below in letter form to the author of the article.

I read your article concerning the "Science of Homosexuality" vs. "blind faith". My comments are in reference to your quip about the eating of shrimp as an abomination-- I took you to be taking a jab at those who you see to be preaching one part of the bible and ignoring another part. Certainly this happens far too often among people who call themselves Christians (Our hypocrisy is one of the many reasons we need Christ). However, you might find it interesting that Jesus declared all foods clean in Mark 7:18-20 (Hence, no one picketing Red Lobster) while Paul affirms the Christian's moral stance on homosexuality (Rom. 1:20-28, I Cor 6:1-11). (Below I have provide links to the passages if you care.) You may notice that Paul condemns homosexuality right along side adultery and stealing and then tells the people that "such were some of you" but assures them that grace is still available.
There is no defending those who call themselves Christians and preach hate or promote violence toward homosexuals. Certainly these people have not understood that Jesus preached "love thy neighbor".
I agree that the state has no business telling an adult what they can and can't do sexually with another consenting adult. Neither do I think that Christians should preach to people as if they need to clean up their act before coming to Jesus. One can come to Jesus no other way than sinful. However, if a Christian brother or sister of mine were practicing adultery or homosexuality or stealing (etc.) its my duty as their brother to call their sin a sin. Even then it is ultimately God who is their Judge (see links).
Anyway, if you made it this far, thank you for your time.

take care
Charles Arnold;&version=49;;&version=49;;&version=49;


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