Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rightly upset.

Facts are facts. (most of the time).


Blogger Kevin said...

Is it just me or are major news sources becoming more and more suspicious. I've felt a growing distrust of major news sources over the years. Not that I totally or even mostly distrust their veracity, however the level of propaganda seems to be growing. At least my awareness of it is growing.

Any time you have a story where something bad happens, you have a blame game to play. Who is to blame for this terrible event? Who is to blame for not taking care of business after this terrible event? And when push comes to shove, large interests both political and corporate want to cover their butts by influencing the coverage of these facts because when people know about them, they want to know who is responsible. And the amount of power and money involved with these political and economic interests is too powerful to keep the news unbiased. What news can I trust to give me the facts? What news can I trust to give me enough facts so that I truely understand the issue? In this age of 15 second news stories and two paragraph blurbs, it seems that more focus is put on coming up with a summary that is favorable or damaging to some power than is put into really getting in depth into the facts. What do you think?

11:02 AM  

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